Because the U-shaped bench seats in our tiny travel trailer (14ft Millard Caravan… it’s an Aussie brand) aren’t particularly comfy, we’ve been searching for a travel trailer couch replacement.

We seldom utilize the storage underneath them since it is difficult to access.

We really need a couch, and then we’ll be able to make better use of the space.

It would be AMAZING (!!!) if we could obtain one that reclines.

Although I believe I’m dreaming with that one, if I could have built-in storage, I’d be a happy camper!

So the hunt is on, and I though I’d share what I discover here in case you’re in the market for a new RV couch as well.

We’ll look at the many kinds of couches for your RV in this piece, as well as some of the manufacturers and suppliers that may be able to assist you in finding the appropriate sofa for your RV.

Jackknife Sofas for RVs

The jackknife RV sofa bed is one of the most frequent types of RV couch beds.

They’re practical since they have a basic design with little bulk and are simple to transform into a bed.

A few things to consider while selecting an RV jackknife sofa:

  • It could only be appropriate for a youngster or a little adult.
  • It may be a little ‘front heavy’ when folded out, so it will need to be fastened to the floor (which I’m sure you’ll want to do anyway, considering it’s in an RV).

Jackknife Sofa with Storage for RVs

I adore the notion of having storage in our travel trailer in every nook and cranny, but it needs to be practical.

Some, like this one, have drawers below them:

Many don’t have built-in storage, but they do feature a front kick plate that can be removed to reveal the vast storage area under the couch.

Also, some furniture stores that specialize in RV furniture provide jackknife couches that come with only the sofa section, allowing you to set them up on a base with drawers or storage.

RV Sleeper Sofa

Maybe you’re only searching for a replacement for an RV couch sleeper that has already worn out in your RV.

There is a wealth of information accessible on the internet.

I discovered that doing a google search for “RV sofa” gets you on the right road to locating one that is the perfect size, style, and color for your RV.

RV Recliners for Small Spaces

Replacing the RV sofa with recliners can be a good idea.

Despite how much we would love to have this choice for ourselves, it will not fit in our travel trailer.

We’d also have to say goodbye to any plans for storage underground.

RV Sofa with Trifold Seats

The tri-fold couch is another style of sofa that may be purchased to expand the number of beds available.


The Couchbed is another style of couch that has lately caught my eye.

A memory foam mattress that converts to a comfortable sofa.

RV Sofa or Sleeper that Folds Out

If you’re looking for a much more basic solution, consider this fold out couch that can be stowed against the wall, used as a sofa (but not really comfortable), or used as a bed.

Ottoman for RV

An RV ottoman could be the appropriate fit (and solution) for your RV.

Something along the lines of these multi-purpose / adaptable RV furniture ottomans…

A storage ottoman for your RV…

Alternatively, you may create a statement with a stand-out piece of RV furniture like this one…


As I’ve been conducting my investigation, I’ve come across a few of tips that make perfect sense:

  • You’ll almost certainly need to secure your RV couch, so think about how you’ll do it before you place your purchase.
  • If you opt to acquire an RV recliner, remember to account for how much space you’ll need while it’s completely reclined when measuring the area (both at the front of the recliner and behind).
  • I’ve saved the greatest for last… Is it going to fit through the RV’s door? It will probably fit through if you have to put it together yourself, but if not, this will be the most critical element to consider!

Outlet Stores for RV Furniture

The images I’ve provided are largely for Amazon items, but there are lots of other vendors that may have better selections for you.

Here are a number of websites I noticed online that seem to offer a large selection of RV-specific furnishings.

Personally, I’m no closer to locating a new couch for our vacation trailer than I was a year ago.

Because it’s a tiny area and it’s on the curving end wall.

I believe we’ll need something created to order… or we can do it ourselves.

Alternatively, we could simply leave things alone!

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Written by Bob Matsuoka
Bob Matsuoka is a blogger and founder of RVing Beginner blog. He has been blogging for over five years, writing about his own family’s RV adventures, tips for people who are interested in buying an RV or taking their family on an adventure by RV.