A water softener is a large responsibility to own.

These systems can solve your home’s limescale problems, but only if you take care of them.

The upkeep of a water softener seems to be straightforward.

Every two to three months, you just add a bag of salt to the brine tank and clean the system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

It seems simple enough, doesn’t it?


The true issue, though, is when a situation develops that you’re unsure how to resolve.

Because you don’t know what to look for, you could sometimes fail to recognize that an issue even exists.

One of the most crucial components of a water softener, the brine tank is also the component that experiences issues the most often.

If the system isn’t working correctly, it’s crucial to know what it looks like on a good day so you can identify a problem right away.

Depending on the sort of unit you possess, I’ll assist you understand how much water should be in your brine tank in this article.

So, How Much Water Should I Put In The Brine Tank Of My Water Softener?

First off, it’s a positive sign if you’ve spotted water in your brine tank.

Water is needed for brine tanks to function.

The brine solution is created when the salt in the tank dissolves in the water.

During the regeneration cycle of your water softener, this brine then moves into the resin tank and cleans the resin with the proper quantity of salt it needs for ion exchange.

Without water, salt could not enter the brine tank and softening would not be possible.

Finding the ideal mix is crucial, however.

The effects of too much or too little water may be just as detrimental to performance as none at all.

Before continuing to read, it will be to your advantage to know how your water softener operates.

If you’re interested in learning more about these systems, I’ve included a free, useful infographic that explains the water softening process.

Your brine tank’s “normal” water level will vary depending on the equipment or tank type you use.

Tank for Wet Brine

An older water softening system generally contains a wet brine tank (purchased prior to abut 2015).

The size of the tank will decide the precise quantity of water it keeps, and this sort of tank should be able to hold water continuously.

A wet brine tank typically has a water level that ranges from 6 to 19 inches high and can store between 3 and 6 gallons of water.

Your wet brine tank may not have enough water in it for a variety of reasons.

If you put your system outdoors, your drain might be frozen or plugged.

The tank could potentially be experiencing a mechanical problem, or maybe nothing is wrong at all! It’s very typical to be unable to see the top of the water level when the tank is full with salt.

If your salt concentrations are low yet you still can’t see much (or any) water, it is the most obvious sign that you have a problem.

Tank for Dry Brine

A dry brine tank may be identified by its digital valve, which aids in system regulation.

It’s probable that a more current water softener you bought will have a dry brine tank.

The brine tank may not always be dry.

A water softener brine tank requires water to operate effectively, as I described previously in this piece.

But when the system’s regeneration cycle is complete, the water in the tank will evaporate.

After that, water will be added before the ion exchange procedure.

If you’re unsure if your water softener has a wet or dry salt tank, get in touch with the manufacturer or refer to the user guide.

Should My Water Softener Have Standing Water?

Although the presence of water in your water softener’s brine tank is quite typical, depending on the kind of system you have, it might also mean trouble.

Your water softener brine tank may have standing water for a number of reasons.

Remember that this can be the result of the regeneration or ion exchange processes requiring water.

However, you can have an issue with the system if there is too much water, water isn’t draining from your brine tank, and/or your water tastes like hardness minerals.

Typically, the water in your water softener brine tank will be roughly halfway full.

It’s possible for the brine tank to have too much standing water.

  • The incoming brine pipe is having issues.
  • Malfunction of the drain line for the brine tank
  • Within the tank, the salt is clogged
  • Drain line and brine line flow control problems
  • A system failure
  • Issues with safety float valves
  • Unable to inject

These topics are more fully discussed in this article on how to remove standing water from a brine tank.

If you want to continue to enjoy the benefits of calcium, magnesium, and iron-free water in the future, it’s advisable to detect and fix any problems with your softener as soon as they arise.

The performance and even the longevity of the system might be affected by problems with the system’s tanks.

I advise you to get in touch with a business that can assist you figure out the cause if you see water where it shouldn’t be, don’t believe there is enough water in your unit, or notice no water at all.

Factors to Take into Account When Measuring Water Level in the Brine Tank

The amount of water in your unit’s brine tank depends on a number of variables.

Since no two water softeners are exactly same, determining whether or not your water level is normal may be challenging.

Normally, you want your water level to be a few inches below than your salt level.

Accurately estimating the volume of water in your softener might become more difficult as a result of this.

But one thing is certain: the salt tank must never be overfilled with water.

Consider the following factors when calculating how much water your water softener requires:

#1. Softener Type

Water is seldom present in pre-fill water softeners or those with dry brine tanks before the regeneration cycle starts.

This indicates that seeing very little water in the brine tank is typical if you possess one of these water softeners.

The quantity of salt that the brine tank can retain determines how much water is required for regeneration of these water softeners.

The height of your water level is unimportant, however, unless you never see any water, even when the system is intended to replenish.

If you have a water softener with a wet brine tank, you should always keep the tank at least one-quarter filled.

Especially if you’ve recently filled out the tank with salt, you may not always be able to see the water.

If you’re unsure if appropriate regeneration is occurring, I advise doing a water test to look for hardness minerals.

#2. System Performance

How effective your water softener is may also have an impact on how much water it uses.

The most effective water softeners renew with less salt.

The device will use less water if less salt is needed.

The salt-to-water ratio will essentially be the same as in a less efficient softener with a bigger tank even though the brine tanks in more efficient water softeners tend to be much smaller.

#3. Setting the Softener

Most water softeners let you select your own regeneration parameters via programming.

You should be able to customize the amount of salt used for each regeneration on your water softener.

Though, all contemporary systems are intelligent enough to automatically program settings according on your water use, tank size, or hardness levels, so you don’t have to be in charge of your water treatment.

The proper settings may guarantee that you always have access to scale-free water without wasting salt or water throughout the regeneration process.

You may test your water for iron, manganese, calcium, and magnesium if you don’t have a smart unit, and then enter the findings into your control head.

The next steps will be handled by your water softener, which will calculate how much salt and water are required for your soft water treatment.

Three pounds of salt may be dissolved in one gallon of water.

Let’s assume that each regeneration cycle for your water softener requires 6 pounds of salt.

Your water softener would determine that you need 2 gallons of water to create the brine solution in this situation.

Professional Advice For A Water-Filled Brine Tank

The usual rule of thumb for maintaining a water softener is to always keep the brine tank at least one-quarter full by adding salt as needed.

Never add salt to a tank that is more than 4-6 inches below the top.

It could be beneficial to drain the tank, clean the softener, add fresh salt, and restart if you’re having trouble with your water.

Usually, cleaning the brine tank will also be beneficial.

If the water level in your brine tank is excessive and you are unable to identify the issue on your own, you should see a professional.

You may be able to get a plumber or handyman to diagnose the problem over the phone, but this won’t likely be free!

If the problem is more serious, you may arrange for a professional to come to your house and take care of it.

Your plumber could suggest that you repair a broken part or buy a new system if your water softener is outdated, of poor quality, or no longer functional.

How Much Water Should Be In My Water Softener Brine Tank Videos Suggestions From Youtube

HOW MUCH WATER should be in my WATER SOFTENER BRINE TANK? – Gary the Water Guy
How Much Water Should Be In My Brine Tank? – Discount Water Softeners
Water Softener Troubleshooting – TOO MUCH WATER in Brine Tank – Gary the Water Guy

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Written by Bob Matsuoka
Bob Matsuoka is a blogger and founder of RVing Beginner blog. He has been blogging for over five years, writing about his own family’s RV adventures, tips for people who are interested in buying an RV or taking their family on an adventure by RV.