One item was at the top of my list when I planned the remodeling of my laundry room.

Cover over an ugly water heater.

I suppose you might argue that when we were constructing our home, we really ought to have given it more consideration.

The unsightly tankless water heater was hanging out in the center of the wall before we realized what hit us.

All I ever saw when I glanced in my laundry room was that horrible object.

I suppose I should be happy that it was a tankless water heater rather than a standard one.

But in spite of all, it is ugly in all its splendor.

Cover Up An Ugly Water Heater

Our Plan

Our water heater and water softener have to be hidden in some manner.

I came up with a few alternative solutions, such as hanging a curtain and creating a pegboard screen, but none of them had the lasting and invisible appearance I was after.

I longed for them to vanish.

In order for anybody looking in this space to miss the screening or concealing materials, I needed to hide them effectively enough.

It was decided to add a closet with shiplap siding to match the other walls.

It would give the impression that it was done on purpose and not a covert concealed area.

Here is my earlier:

Check out the gorgeous decoration on the wall.

What’s up with that enormous water softener? This issue included more than simply a water heater; a concealed water softener of considerable magnitude was also required.

We began by constructing a wall to separate the room and serve as the closet’s wall.

We used 2 by 4 studs to build the wall’s frame.

We bolted it, bored holes through the concrete floor, and screwed it onto the ceiling’s floor joists.

For extra stiffness and stability, we inserted a second vertical stud.

The next stage was to attach plywood to the framed wall to provide more stability and a surface to which the shiplap could be fastened.

The plywood has been covered with shiplap in this picture, which is now being painted.

After finishing this section, we moved on to the closet door.

We used one piece of 1/2 inch plywood to construct the door.

This door wasn’t supposed to be hefty.

By adding 2 by 4 bricks to the left and right sides, we reinforced it.

While he fastened the door to the wall, my husband had me hold it up.

Evidently, a guy who is 6 feet 5 inches tall doesn’t fit as comfortably as I do.

This is one of the very few occasions when I’ll pose for a photo.

No other method to capture this picture with myself out of it existed.

To hold it up, we utilized these hinges, which are a lot like door hinges.

The door and the shiplap wall’s edge just barely overlapped.

We did this on purpose to allow us to add trim that would overhang the wall and give the appearance of a seamless installation.

The door and trim needed to be painted, and we also needed to install a hook and eye closing to keep the door firmly closed.

Here is a comparison of that corner’s two states.

I can’t believe I put it off for this long.

Do you think I was successful in hiding the ugly water heater? I like how it came out.

It is just what I had envisioned.

Again, without my husband as my partner in crime, I could not have accomplished this.

He is amazing.

Therefore, there is always a method to decorate the area and make it work for you if you have anything you wish to hide, whether it a water heater or anything else.

Don’t accept what you feel is necessary.

Take ownership of your house.

All of these products are affordable.

This wardrobe was.

This room was totally renovated for the price of three sheets of plywood, eight 2by4 studs, some paint, and hardware.

I think the outcome is valuable.

We appreciate you taking the time to check out what was going on at Twelve On Main.

Enjoy your day and keep it in mind.

Bleached Wood Barn Doors
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One Room Challenge- Farmhouse Laundry Room Reveal!
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How To Hide A Tankless Water Heater Videos Suggestions From Youtube
Tankless Water Heater Hiding – ReLISTO
Hiding Your Water Heater : Water Heaters – ehowathomechannel

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Written by Bob Matsuoka
Bob Matsuoka is a blogger and founder of RVing Beginner blog. He has been blogging for over five years, writing about his own family’s RV adventures, tips for people who are interested in buying an RV or taking their family on an adventure by RV.