It’s crucial to adjust your water softener’s settings so you may customize the clock to your family’s needs.

A water softener also aids in removing chemical and mineral buildups that result in tough water.

Your water softener’s settings should be appropriately set to guarantee that your pipes stay clear and that your family is drinking softer, cleaner water.

Step 1

To set the current time on your water softener, press the “hour” and “minutes” buttons.

In order to adjust the current time on an older water softener, you will need to move the dial slightly outward before rotating the hour and minute dials.

Step 2

Find out what time of day your family is water-free.

This time has been calculated by several water softener pre-sets to be 2 a.m.

Step 3

Set the regeneration dials to the time that you want the water softener to operate at.

For your water softener to regenerate when you want it to, the actual timing has to be correct.

Step 4

Test your water to see how hard it is.

You may test your water to find out how much salt to use every cycle by following the instructions in the owner’s handbook.

Step 5

On your water softener, turn the dial that shows how much salt to use to soften your water.

The doses show how many pounds of salt will be consumed throughout each cycle.

Step 6

Every year, test the hardness of your water to see whether you need to adjust the amount of salt delivered during each recharge cycle.

Step 7

To find out how much salt to use, check the salt dosage option.

Step 8

Calculate the daily water consumption for your family.

A guidebook that came with your water softener should provide basic instructions on how many gallons are utilized for various tasks, such bathing and dishwashing.

Step 9

Make sure your clock is set to the right time by checking it.

Step 10

Locate the day of the week indicator button or tuner on your water softener, and then turn the dial or push the button to the day you want to replenish your water softener.


Without a manual setup, automatic rechargers may choose when to recharge.

Prior to adjusting settings, carefully read the owner’s handbook.


Resetting the water softener clock after daylight savings time is important.

Clogging and pipe damage may result from turning off the water softener.

How To Set A Water Softener Videos Suggestions From Youtube

How to Program Water Softener Settings on Impression® Series – Water-Right
Water Softeners : About Water Softener Hardness Settings – homesteady

Updated on

Written by Bob Matsuoka
Bob Matsuoka is a blogger and founder of RVing Beginner blog. He has been blogging for over five years, writing about his own family’s RV adventures, tips for people who are interested in buying an RV or taking their family on an adventure by RV.