Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night wondering “How frequently should my water softener regenerate, is it going too often or maybe not enough?” because you heard your water softener running?

The control valve of a water softener system regulates how often a water softener regenerates or recharges.

Since it issues the orders for when the softening regeneration process should take place, the “control valve” is referred regarded as the “brain” of the softer machine.

A water softener regenerates for what reasons? Hard water is transported over a resin-filled bed of softening material in ion exchange water softeners.

The resin attracts the hardness minerals in water when they come into touch with it, holding onto them so they don’t wind up in the water you use to wash your dishes or take a shower.

The water becomes “soft” as a result of the hardness minerals being removed from it and trapped in the resin.

As the hardness minerals accumulate over time and get trapped in the resin, the resin fills up, and the system must renew or recharge to release the hardness minerals and resume the softening process.

Demand regeneration is often seen as being more effective in terms of salt and water use since the system only regenerates if its softening capacity has been exhausted rather than every day, whether or not it requires regeneration.

There are several different softeners with various valve types available on the market.

When the control valve instructs the water softener to begin the regeneration process, it does so.

Depending on the kind of valve you have, there are two basic forms of regeneration employed in water softening.

The clock on the control valve regulates time-initiated regeneration.

Normally, this is adjusted such that the system regenerates after a certain number of days and during a time of day when water use is at its lowest, generally in the middle of the night.

For instance, this procedure may take place once every week.

Based on factors such as the water quality, resin tank size, home water use, population density, and more, our knowledgeable water consultants at McGowan Water can assist in determining the valve’s settings.

Untreated water is accessible through an automated internal bypass function if there is a need for it while the system is regenerating.

Demand regeneration is a setting that triggers the softener to enter “regeneration mode” after a certain volume of water has been processed through the softener.

The valve monitors water use in this setting.

It will need to renew more often the more water you use.

Your unit will need more frequent regeneration, for instance, if you have visitors staying at your house and are consuming more water than usual.

Would you want a more thorough explanation or do you still have a few questions? Call McGowan Water right once if you have any inquiries about your water softener or to arrange a yearly service inspection.

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Written by Bob Matsuoka
Bob Matsuoka is a blogger and founder of RVing Beginner blog. He has been blogging for over five years, writing about his own family’s RV adventures, tips for people who are interested in buying an RV or taking their family on an adventure by RV.